This article first appeared at: Life after death? The problem is quite simple: we don’t think about it enough. The new book Dying to Live – Reflections on life after death, by Fr John Flader, explores what we can know – and what is...
Parousia Podcast – Intentional Faith with Kevin Bailey AM, hosted by Charbel Raish
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish talks to Kevin Bailey AM, director of Parousia and Divine Renovation Australasia Executive Director. Kevin talks about his faith journey, the current Catholic climate in Australia in most parishes and what it is...
Parousia Podcast – Charbel Raish in the U.S.A.
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish sums up his whirlwind tour of the United States of America, sharing the great connections he made with various Catholic speakers and Apostolates. Lighthouse Catholic Media...
The Assumption of Mary in History
This article first appeared at: The doctrine of the Assumption of Mary began with a historical event to which Scripture alludes and that been believed in the Church for 2,000 years. It was passed down in the oral tradition of the Church and...
Speakin’ With Deacon – Episode 9 – Why Wait? A Catholic Approach to Sex & Dating
In this episode, Deacon Harold will discuss the Church's understanding of sex as covenant participation in God's creative activity and the importance of treating our bodies as "temples of the Holy Spirit" by examining contraception vs. Natural Family Planning in...
Three Secrets to Sexual Healing
This article first appeared at: I’ve always said that it’s possible to start over, regardless of the past. But what does that mean? It’s one thing to decide to start over, but it’s another thing to figure out what to do with the effects of the...
If You Are What You Should Be, You Will Set the Whole World on Fire
This article first appeared at: A few years ago, a young woman approached me and said rather abruptly, “Why is it that you only talk about sex? There is so much more to the Catholic faith than just sex.” Although this isn’t entirely...
Speakin’ With Deacon – Episode 8 – Your Sins Are Forgiven
Speakin’ with Deacon is a production of the Parousia Podcast Network, in partnership with Voice of Charity Australia and EWTN Asia-Pacific.Join Mark Griffin and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers as they discuss strategies that will empower us to ‘Announce the Gospel of the...
Jesus in His Homeland
This article first appeared at: the sun rises, there is a solemn silence that permeates the Old City. The chaotic crowds that bustle through the streets of Jerusalem by day are still fast asleep. A small group of pilgrims carry a...