This article first appeared at: civilization is crumbling from within, and one of the reasons is no-fault divorce. Many celebrities seem to mock marriage, with multiple extravagant weddings, tabloid-reported affairs and public court...
Parousia Podcast – As We Forgive Those – Joanna Dimitty, Hosted by Charbel Raish
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish talks to Joanna Dimitty, author of As We Forgive Those: Forgiveness and Healing From Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church with Poetry and Meditation. Joanna tells her inspirational story, from revelation to...
A Mother’s Guide to Confession
This article first appeared at: Baptism takes care of original sin and all actual sin committed up to that point. But what about sins committed after Baptism? Saint John admonishes us to deal forthrightly with our sin: “If we say we...
Parousia Podcast – Our Lady of Sorrows – Immaculée Ilibagiza, Hosted by Charbel Raish
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish talks to Immaculée Ilibagiza, author of Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust about her powerful story of survival, prayer and forgiveness. Immaculée also shares her devotion to Our Lady of...
Is Belief In God Irrational?
This article first appeared at: Atheists claim that religious faith requires no rational thought. But it's atheism itself whose claims require no thinking. Imagine you’re at a public gathering of religious believers—say, a pro-life event or...
Parousia Podcast – Dying to Live – Fr John Flader, Hosted by Charbel Raish
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish talks to Fr John Flader, author of numerous books including his latest release, Dying to Live. Fr Flader talks about his time living with Saint Josemaría Escrivá, his vocation journey, stories from his latest book...
Dying to Live: The Evidence for Life After Death
This article first appeared at: Life after death? The problem is quite simple: we don’t think about it enough. The new book Dying to Live – Reflections on life after death, by Fr John Flader, explores what we can know – and what is...
Parousia Podcast – Intentional Faith with Kevin Bailey AM, hosted by Charbel Raish
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish talks to Kevin Bailey AM, director of Parousia and Divine Renovation Australasia Executive Director. Kevin talks about his faith journey, the current Catholic climate in Australia in most parishes and what it is...
Parousia Podcast – Charbel Raish in the U.S.A.
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish sums up his whirlwind tour of the United States of America, sharing the great connections he made with various Catholic speakers and Apostolates. Lighthouse Catholic Media...