Parousia PARISH
Retreats for priests, parish missions, and strategic support. Day retreats & study groups for parents.

Parousia Parish supports the leadership of priests and parents through their connection to the parish!
With your support, Parousia can employ a coordinator to establish these new programs.
- Faith in our Fathers
- First Educators
Faith in our Fathers
Priests are icons of Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest. Their unique and indispensable witness, combined with their role as ministers of the Word and Sacrament truly make Jesus present in the midst of the Church.
Faith in our Fathers provides support for priests in their role as pastors of souls and leaders in the parish context.
Faith in our Fathers will provide retreats for priests, parish missions and strategic support for parish initiatives.
Parousia commenced the inaugural Support Your Priest Sunday on Sunday 4th August 2019. In 2020, this was held on Sunday 2nd August.
Support Your Priest Sunday is a Parousia-sponsored day of national significance that will take place each year around the feast of St John Marie Vianney, patron of parochial clergy.
Parousia is sponsoring a novena for the intentions of priests in which participants may sign up to the 9 days of prayer leading up to the feast of St John Vianney.
Lay people will be encouraged to give their parish priest a token of love, thanksgiving and support for his ministry.
This may take many forms, such as gifts of money and other tokens, cards and letters of thanks and encouragement, fasting and other acts of penance for our priests may be offered.
First Educators
Parents are the first heralds of the faith to their children.
First Educators provides opportunities for parents that invites them to follow Christ and forms them for leadership in the domestic church.
First Educators will initially provide day retreats for parents of children receiving the sacraments and seek to reach busy mums and dads through accessible study groups that employ video resources.