Couples deepen marriage with Matt and Cameron Fradd

Couples deepen marriage with Matt and Cameron Fradd

By Mathew De Sousa Originally posted by Marrying sacramentally in the church after 12 years of civil marriage, Seb and Kath Dell’Orefice gained a true understanding of their marital responsibility after months of formation and spiritual...

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Preparing the way for Christmas

Preparing the way for Christmas

By Dr Margaret Ghosn mshf Originally posted on In December, we begin to think about Christmas, although shopping centres begin a marketing campaign as early as October. Preparation is not about focussing on presents to be purchased and food...

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Advent…it’s the waiting that counts

Advent…it’s the waiting that counts

By Stephen Lacey Originally posted on Nowadays, Point Clare is a commuter town with an Aldi supermarket and views of Gosford high-rise apartments. But growing up there as a child, it was a semi-rural railway town, with just a corner store run...

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St. Martin’s Lent & the Fast of Advent

St. Martin’s Lent & the Fast of Advent

By Matthew Plese Originally posted on Martinmas - The Advent Equivalent of Mardi Gras When November 11th arrives each year, we are accustomed to seeing civic displays of patriotism and honor for the nation's veterans. Originally known as...

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