Augustine Institute
The Lighthouse story is a simple one: God works powerfully through a sincere Yes!
From a wooden box of cassette tapes in the back of one church, to over 6,000 parishes distributing our CDs, books, and other media with a Lighthouse kiosk – it has been an incredible journey!
Lighthouse Catholic Media, NFP is a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Company that seeks to answer the call for a New Evangelization. We specialize in promoting the Catholic Faith through high quality presentations on audio CDs and MP3s from many of the best Catholic speakers in English and Spanish. We continue to expand our outreach by offering additional forms of media, including books, booklets, pamphlets, and more.
Real People. Real Results.
It is truly inspiring to see how God has used Lighthouse Catholic Media to powerfully impact countless lives in just seven years of operation. Through God’s grace, we have distributed more than ten million great Catholic audio presentations across the globe since our launch on August 15th, 2005, and we now work with over 7,500+ parishes and individuals in 110 countries. We continue to receive incredible feedback every day from listeners and from parishes who are participating in our various programs.
We invite you to watch the following videos featuring numerous listeners who have been inspired and enlightened by our CDs in different ways. And we ask that you pray that God continues to work powerfully through this Apostolate!
See what Bishops around the world say about Augustine Institute (formerly Lighthouse Catholic Media)
Endorsements from Bishops around the World
Cardinal Raymond Burke
Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
“I commend to all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis the CDs made available through Lighthouse Catholic Media. It is my hope that all of the parishes in the Archdiocese will take advantage of this efficacious means of evangelization and adult catechesis.”
Cardinal Francis George
Archbishop of Chicago
“The CDs and brochures are a welcome addition to the faith life and continuing education of our people. I heartily recommend your program to all the pastors in the Archdiocese as a way to rekindle the faith of Chicago’s Catholics an help fulfill Pope John Paul II’s call for a New Evangelization.”
Most Rev. Timothy Paul Broglio
Archbishop for the Military Services, U.S.A
“It would be most beneficial if Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs were made available to all men and women in the U.S. Military throughout the world. I heartily recommend your program to all the archdiocese and to all chaplains as a way to help fulfill Pope John Paul II’s call for a new Evangelization.”
Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon
Bishop of Joliet, IL
“The apostolate carried out by Lighthouse Catholic Media is an important addition to the new evangelization. I recommend the Lighthouse Catholic Media Faithraiser program as an efficacious means of evangelization and adult catechesis.”
Most Rev. Vincent M. Concessao
Archbishop of Delhi, India
“The CDs feature a variety of talks on topics and issues by leading Catholic theologians. They are doctrinally sound, economical and flexible for use in a parish setting.”
Most Rev. B.J. Hickey
Archbishop of Perth, Australia
“I am pleased to give my personal endorsement to the resources of Lighthouse Catholic Media and encourage parish priests of the Archdiocese to review them as a possible resource in their parish ministry.”
Most Rev. Edmond Carmody
Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, TX
“The presentations by leading Catholic speakers on audio CDs are sure to provide spiritual benefits to our community. The Office for Evangelization will be writing a letter to all the pastors endorsing this program on my behalf.”
Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades
Bishop of Fort Wayne – South Bend, IN
“I am pleased to give my personal endorsement to the resources of Lighthouse Catholic Media and encourage parish priests of the Archdiocese to review them as a possible resource in their parish ministry.”