Are LGBTQI+ born this way or is it just a social construct restricting a path to holiness? In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish talks to James Parker, facilitator of True Identity International, a network that supports those struggling with sexuality, gender and identity issues. James talks about his work and his inspiring faith journey from LGBTQI activist to Catholicism.
True Identity Facebook Page –…
True Identity YouTube Channel –…
Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues
– Leila Miller & Trent Horn (Paperback)
A generation ago, Christian parents didn’t have to worry about how to explain transgenderism to their nine-year-old, or help their teenager deal with mockery at school for believing in traditional marriage.
But today, as our culture’s moral center continues to fly apart and with every form of deviance publicly aired and celebrated, we have no choice but to equip our kids to understand and to own the truth about such issues.
It’s not easy, though—these are sensitive questions, and with the wrong approach we can harm our kids’ innocence even as we try to preserve it.
In Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues, Leila Miller and Trent Horn give parents (guardians and teachers, too!) crucial tools and techniques to form children with the understanding they need—appropriate to their age and maturity level—to meet the world’s challenges.
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