The Narrow Gate Blog
Reflections about faith, life, struggles, and our hope for our ultimate home, Heaven. But the only way through, is via The Narrow Gate.
EWTN: Program Highlights – June 2023
EWTN Program Highlights – October 2021
The Sacraments: God’s Masterworks
This article first appeared at: stpaulcenter.com The Incarnation is the center of all God’s plans for mankind. Two millennia ago, the Word became flesh. He dwelt among us for thirty-three years, completed His Paschal mystery, rose from the dead, and forty...
How Did the Shroud of Turin Get Its Image? (Hint: Think Radiation.)
This article first appeared at: magiscenter.com The image on the Shroud of Turin continues to perplex the world. With no other artifact like it, there is no definitive explanation of how this anatomically perfect image came into existence. There are five...
The Urgency of Lay Evangelization and the Role of the Priest
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”
The Power of the Mary’s Roasry
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”
The Power of the Memorare
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”
EWTN: Program Highlights – May 2023
EWTN Program Highlights – October 2021
Can Stuff Make Us Happy?
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”
Parousia News – April 2023
Christ Has Risen! "Christ Has Risen! Yes, He has truly Risen! Alleluia!" A greeting and statement shouted out by millions of Christians around the world this month! I pray you are having a blessed Easter season after a season of penance. It is a great time to...
Jesus’ Resurrection Is Not a Pagan Myth
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”
To Receive Divine Mercy, Give Divine Mercy
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”
The Empty Tabernacle of Good Friday
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”