The Narrow Gate Blog

Reflections about faith, life, struggles, and our hope for our ultimate home, Heaven. But the only way through, is via The Narrow Gate.

What is “Freedom”?

What is “Freedom”?

After watching the movie “Sound of Freedom” I was motivated into writing my reaction, or “response” for use of a better word. Apart from the trauma that was triggered in me, no tears were shed, only harsh, inexplicable emotions that God alone would be able to comfort....

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Jesus Goes from Boy to Man in the Temple

Jesus Goes from Boy to Man in the Temple

This article first appeared at: catholic.comThe temple in Jerusalem was one of the most impressive buildings of the ancient world. And, although it functioned as a place of ritual sacrifice and prayer, it was also as a place of study, the center of a vast network of...

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Raising Truthful Children

Raising Truthful Children

This article first appeared at: stpaulcenter.comOne of my earliest memories is of a time my father took me to the hardware store. I was young—maybe seven years old. I don’t know what we were getting or why we were there, but the memory has never left me.After my...

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Truth and Freedom

Truth and Freedom

This article first appeared at: This is what the world has to say about truth, “I have my truth, and you have your truth. Don’t force me to believe or accept what you believe, and I wont force you to believe what I believe.” This is actually a...

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Confusion in the Church

Confusion in the Church

This article first appeared at: It’s clear that we are living in a time of confusion and division, both in the Church and in the world. I am not qualified to evaluate whether this is the worst confusion the Church has seen or not—we have been through...

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The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive

The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive

This article first appeared at: fireupministries.comIn my teen years, I believed that I could never be fully alive and happy if I lived according to the Church’s teachings on human sexuality. When I was about seventeen years old, I remember being at the gym, watching...

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Parousia News – August/September 2023

Parousia News – August/September 2023

Ignite Bible Study TourAbove: Deacon Harold and Charbel are welcomed at the airport during a ceremony in Papua New GuineaAs we were putting together our previous newsletter, the ‘Ignite Bible Study Tour’, featuring Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Sonja Corbitt was in...

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Called to Holiness

Called to Holiness

This article first appeared at: stpaulcenter.comJesus summed up his teaching in a startling and unambiguous call to His followers: “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48). Perfect in purity of heart, perfect in compassion and...

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Who is to Blame for Suffering?

Who is to Blame for Suffering?

This article first appeared at: fireupministries.comLife throws us many curveballs, perhaps none as difficult as reconciling the existence of an all-good God with the reality of suffering and evil in the world.I remember reading a news article about a terrorist group...

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