Have you ever considered the 33-Day Consecration to Jesus through Mary?

With the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, it can be a time of fear and even confusion for people. With so many things closed down, it has forced so many of us to be locked down at home. For some, it has caused an increase in anxiety and depression. You may be asking why this is happening? If there is anyone who understands what it is like to suffer and not be able to do anything, it is Our Lady, witnessing the crucifixion and death of her only son. Now more than ever, we should turn to her during this time and a beautiful way, if I can suggest, is to consecrate yourself to her.

One of the most famous formulas is the 33 day preparation to Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary by St. Louis de Montfort who stands in a long tradition of saints completely devoted to Our Lady. His work has been influential in the lives of many saints, especially Pope St. John Paul II who took his papal motto, “Totus Tuus” (Totally Yours) from St Louis de Montfort.

It is recommended that the consecration be done on a major feast day of Our Lady, meaning that the preparation would begin 33 days prior. Once you make the consecration, it is for life.

Through this 33-day journey, you are giving your heart, mind, and soul to Mary in order to bring you to her Son, Jesus Christ. We are asking Mary to use us as a holy instrument and allow her through the Holy Spirit, to conform to her virtues, to use your prayers, sacrifices, and sufferings for the greater glory of God.

The Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary has four parts and so the initial 12-day preparation followed by a weekly theme. The purpose of the consecration is to rid ourselves from the spirit of the world to become completely in tune with the lives of Jesus and His Mother, Mary. Here are the four parts…

Part 1: Twelve Preliminary Days

The first twelve days of the consecration are set aside as the preliminary days, meant to cast off the spirit of the world which is contrary to that of Jesus Christ.

Part 2: Knowledge of Self 

In this section, consider the opposition that exists between the spirit of Jesus and ours, as the miserable and humiliating state to which our sins have reduced us.

Part 3: Knowledge of Mary

During this period, it is important to reflect upon “the interior life of Mary, namely, her virtues, her sentiments, her actions, her participation in the mysteries of Christ and her union with Him.”

Part 4: Knowledge of Jesus Christ

The fourth and final part of St Louis de Montfort’s consecration is the Knowledge of Jesus Christ, with an emphasis on asking for the grace of a deeper union with Christ. 

I invite you to join us at Parousia to sign up for a 33 Day preparation to Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary starting Monday, May 25. Each day will consist of an opening prayer, scripture reading, a reading from the writings of St. Louis de Montfort, a reflection and various prayers, which we will send you. The emails will be taken from the updated version of the consecration by John Pridmore. In this modern version of St Louis Marie de Montfort’s consecration, John Pridmore walks us through the life-changing experience of consecrating our hearts to Jesus through Mary.

St Therese of Lisieux says “there is an elevator that leads us directly to heaven, which many believe is consecrating our heart to Jesus through Mary.”

The late Holy Father, St. John Paul II stated that this consecration was a “turning point” in his life, and said, “This Marian devotion has since remained an integral part of my interior life and of my spiritual theology”.

“I believe that this devotion is truly life-changing and brings us to a deep foundation built on the rock of Christ. It protects us in this world of spiritual warfare and helps us to understand our gifts given by God the creator. After completing this consecration myself, God has used me more powerfully and more completely than I ever thought possible. It has helped me to know Jesus in ways that would only be possible through the loving gaze of His mother. Mary has since become a constant companion in my spiritual life, leading me deeper into her Immaculate Heart.” – John Pridmore

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