The Cor Project
The Cor Project envisions a culture of true human flourishing flowing from hearts liberated to recognize the innate dignity of every human being and live the beautiful gift of sexuality as the call to divine love it was created to be.

The modern world has sought – with rapid success – to redefine human sexuality.
The result has been not only a new sexual ethic, but a new definition of our humanity and a new social order. Founded by Christopher West and inspired by John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, The Cor Project aims to reframe questions of human existence in such a way that the divine plan for man and woman can be perceived and embraced in all its beauty and splendour. This is a project of the heart (“cor” is Latin for heart), attracting men and women who are yearning for more than what our culture’s approach to happiness and fulfillment has to offer. Join the project!
Mission: To equip men and women to learn, live, and share the beauty of the divine plan for human life, love, and sexuality in a new evangelization.