Support Your Priest Sunday
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Each year, Catholic priests commonly get together to commemorate their ordination on or near 4th August, the feast of St John Mary Vianney.
Often, they gather around their bishop at a special celebration, honouring the service of priests celebrating a significant anniversary of ordination. Lay people may also honour their priests at this time.
This year, Parousia and Divine Renovation would like to announce that Support Your Priest Sunday will be held on Sunday 6th August 2023.
Support Your Priest Sunday, a day of national significance for Catholics, takes place each year around the feast of St John Vianney, patron of priests.
What would Catholic life be like without priests?
At the Consecration, he does not say, “This is the Body of Our Lord;” he says, “This is My Body.”’ Now is the time for the laity to support our beloved priests.
How can I support my parish priest?
Parousia and Divine Renovation are sponsoring a novena for the intentions of priests commencing on Thursday 27th July, leading up to the feast day of St John Vianney on Friday 4th August 2023.
Nonetheless, lay people are encouraged to give their parish priest a token of love, thanksgiving and support for his ministry on the Sunday following this feast day. This may take many forms, such as gifts of money and other tokens, cards and letters of thanks and encouragement, fasting and other acts of penance for our priests may be offered.
About St John Vianney
Thank You!!!
How can I get involved?
1. Pray the novena to St John Vianney for your parish priest commencing on 27th July.
Sign up here to receive the novena prayer and a daily email reminder.
2. Give your parish priest a token of love, thanksgiving and encouragement on Sunday 6th August.
27 Jul
Ardent Faith
See the Prayer
Saint John Marie Baptist Vianney you were born of a deeply religious mother; from her you received the Holy Faith; you learned to love God and to pray. At a young age, you were seen kneeling in the front of the statue of Mary. Your soul was supernaturally carried towards the things on High. Despite the high cost, you answered your vocation!
Against many obstacles and contradictions, you had to fight and suffer to become the perfect priest which you were. But your deep spirit of faith supported you in all these battles. 0 Great Saint you know the desire of my soul; I would like to serve God better; from Him I have received so many good things. For this, obtain for me more courage and especially the depth of faith.
Many of my thoughts, words, and actions are useless for my sanctification and for my salvation, because this supernatural spirit does not stir up my life. Help me to be better in the future.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for … (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
28 Jul
Complete Trust in God
See the Prayer
Saint John Marie Baptist Vianney, what confidence the people had in your prayers! You could not leave your old rectory or your humble church without being surrounded by imploring souls, who appealed to you as they would have appealed to Jesus Himself during His earthly life. And you, O good Saint, gave them hope by your words, which were full of love for God.
You, who had always counted entirely on the heart of God, obtain for me a deep filial trust in His Providence. As the hope of divine goods fills my heart, give me courage and help me to always obey the Commandments of God.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for … (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
29 Jul
True Love of Neighbour
See the Prayer
Saint John Marie Baptist Vianney because of your love of God you showed great charity towards your neighbour. You could not preach on the Love of God without burning tears of love. During your last years, it seemed as though you could not talk about any thing else or live for anything else. Thus you sacrificed yourself to your neighbour by consoling, absolving and sanctifying them to the limits of your strength.
Your charity inspires me to greater love of God, a love which is shown more by acts than by words. Help me to love my neighbour generously as Christ loves them.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for … (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
30 Jul
Horror of Sin
See the Prayer
Saint John Mary Baptist Vianney, you were so adamant against sin, yet so sympathetic and so ready to welcome the sinner. I come to you today as if you were still alive, as if I were kneeling at your feet and you could hear me. Bend towards me, listen to the repentant confidence for the weaknesses and miserable deeds of mine.
Priest of the Lord, inexhaustible Confessor, obtain for me the horror for sin. You wanted us First to avoid the occasion of sin. I want to take your advice and make the resolution to break bad habits and to avoid the dangerous occasions of sin. Help me today to examine my conscience.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for… (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
31 Jul
Confessor of Souls
See the Prayer
O Holy Priest of Ars, you knew how important was a good confession for the Christian life. It was to procure the happy fruits of millions of souls that you agreed to be in an uncomfortable confessional, which was like a prison, up to 15 to 16 hours on certain days.
I will try to develop the habit of frequent confession, to prepare properly each time and to have always regret for my sins, so that the grace of final perseverance but also the sanctification of my soul will be assured. Ask this grace for me.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for … (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
1 Aug
Real Presence
See the Prayer
O Holy Priest of Ars, whose only comfort in this world was the real presence of Jesus in the tabernacle, was it not your great joy to distribute the Eucharist to the pilgrims who visited you? You refused Communion to the souls who refused to reform but to souls of goodwill you opened wide the doors of the Eucharistic Feast.
You, who each day at Holy Mass received Holy Communion with great loves, give me some of your fervour. With freedom from mortal sin, obtain for me a sincere desire to profit from receiving Holy Communion.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for… (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
2 Aug
Dispeller of Satan
See the Prayer
O Holy Priest of Ars, the infamous attacks of the devil which you had to suffer and the trials which disheartened you by fatigue would not make you give up the sublime task of converting souls. The devil came to you for many years to disturb your short rest but you won because of mortification and prayers.
Powerful protector, you know the temptor’s desire to harm my baptised and believing soul. He would have me sin, by rejecting the Holy Sacraments and the life of virtue. But good Saint of Ars dispel from me the traces of the enemy.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for … (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
3 Aug
Exquisite Purity
See the Prayer
O Holy Priest of Ars, a witness of your life made this magnificent praise of you:
‘We would have taken him for an angel in a mortal body.”
You so edified others: the modesty and the exquisite purity radiated from your body. With such charm and with such enthusiasm you preached to others about these beautiful virtues which you said resembled the perfume of a vineyard in bloom.
Please I beg you to join your entreaties to those of Mary Immaculate and Saint Philomena in order that I guard always, as God asks me, the purity of my heart. You, who have directed so many souls towards the heights of virtue, defend me in temptations and obtain for me the strength to conquer them.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for … (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
4 Aug
Desire for Heaven
See the Prayer
O Holy Priest of Ars, your precious remains are contained in a magnificent reliquary, the donation from the priests of France. But this earthly glory is only a very pale image of the unspeakable glory which you are enjoying with God. During the time you were on earth, you used to repeat in your dejected hours, ‘one will rest in the other life.” It is done, you are in eternal peace, and eternal happiness.
I desire to follow you one day. Until then, I hear you saying to me:
“You should work and fight as long as you are in the world.”
Teach me then to work for the salvation of my soul, to spread the good news and good example and to do good towards those around me in order that I will receive the happiness of the Elect with you.
Holy Priest of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession. Pray for me during this novena especially for … (mention silently your special intentions).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
O St John Vianney, Patron of Priests, pray for us and for all priests!
Join the community!
In the comments below, share the name of the priest you’re praying for, and your city. See who else is joining you in prayer!
Praying for Fr Andrew Rooney at Blacktown, NSW.
May the Lord continue to raise up brave, holy young men like Fr Andrew to be beacons of light for our Church in this dark world.
Praying for Archbishop J. Michael Miller, all priests of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and all living and deceased priests around the world.
May the Lord continue to give them joy, good health, and long life in their service to the Church.
Praying for Father Doh and Bishop Elect John Adams and our seminarian Huong. Prayers for Father Tien. May God richly bless them and keep them.
Praying for Father Jack, Father Lukasz, Father Bryan, Father Luke, all priests in the Diocese of Buffalo and around the world.
Father Brendan Murphy & Fr Jeff & Fr Joseph at St Marys . I pray that you always continue to encourage everyone to find the road to Jesus with your firm but gentle natures.
Praying for you all & thanking God for you all.🙏
Father Mark De Battista from Port Kembla and Father Leo Duck from Albion Park. Amazing priests delving into Divine Renovation and ALPHA with so much responsibility and too many expectations from parishioners on our priests. I pray that each parish community assists in relieving them of some of the burdens to free up their time to attend to their Priestly duties.
Fr Mark De Battista St Patrick’s Port Kembla
Fr Leo Duck St Paul’s Albion Park
Praying for Fr. Kevin Dillon, Fr. Brendan Dillon, Fr. Mark Reynolds, Fr. Samuel Pearson, Fr. Jerald Mariadas, Fr. James, Fr. Rembert Fernando may God bless, guide, inspire and protect you all in your Church Ministry. St.Simon the Apostle Parish, Rowville, VIC
Praying for Fr Benoit who buried his dear mother today. May the good Lord give him strength and peace. Am also praying for all the Priests of the Archdiocese of Pretoria.
Father Kregg Hochhalter – Bismarck , ND
Fr Michael McCaffrey and Fr Thomas Sofatzis, both from FSSP latin community in Adelaide.
Rev Fr Patrick J Hurley (Bro Pat) – Retired, Sydney Archdiocese.
I pray for all the Dominican Friars of Our Lady of Graces Carina BRISbane Fr Alex Vickers, Fr Anthony Walsh, Fr Maurice Keating, Fr Joseph Tuon, Fr David Willis, Fr Pan Jordan and the Priests dearest to me: Fr Michael Rego and Fr Bryan Roe and Fr Frank Gordon and all the deceased Priests Fr Joe Wilson Fr Carl Emerick and Fr John Flynn and Fr John Newman
For Fr.Agustinus S.J., Fr.Christopher Soh S.J. Fr.Colin Tan S.J., Fr.Matthew S.J, all from St.Ignatius Singapore.
May the Lord bless them and keep them, may He let His face shine upon them , and may He be gracious to them…
St.John Vianney, pray for them and all priests…
Praying especially for Father Bernard Gordon from Wollongong, NSW and Father Joe from St Lukes in Wantirna, Victoria.
We pray for our loving Spitirual Fathers: Fr Greg Morgan, Fr. Dan Drum, Fr. Steve Drum and Fr. Danielle Sollazzo. That our Lord bless their journey as priests and enrich their vocational fruits.
Praying for Fr Joseph, Fr Pat, Fr Ronan and Fr Tiziano in the Shoalhaven/ Nowra parish
Praying for all our priest in Singapore. Cardinal Archbishop William Goh, Fr Jovita Ho, Fr Simon Ho, Fr Mejo, Fr Ambrose Vaz, Fr Ignatius Yeo, Fr Benedict Chng, Fr Nathaniel Xavier, Fr Jude David, Fr Edward Seah, Fr, Valerian Chong, Fr Justin Yip, Fr Terence Kesavan, Fr Adrain Danker, Fr Albert Ng, Fr Kenson Koh, Fr Emmanuel Noel, Fr Edward Lim, Fr Francis Lau, Fr Brian D,Souza, Fr Simon Lim, Fr William Mbugua, Fr Luke Fong, Fr Paul Ngoh, Fr Joseph Kace, Fr Daryl Miranda, Fr Aldelmo Dunghe, Alphonsus Dominic, Fr Antony Kuttianickal, Fr Alex Chua, Fr John Sim, Fr John Khoi, Fr Paul Lim, Fr Abel Antony, Fr Kamelus Kamus, Fr Gregoire van Giang, Fr Joe Dinesh, Fr Gerard Weekakoon, Fr Cyril Lee, Fr Michael D’Cruz, Fr Gerard Victor, Fr Esmond Chua, Fr Aiden Peter, Fr Julian Mariaratnam, Fr Robin Toha, Fr Kenny Tan, Fr Dominique Deme, Fr Edmund Chong, Fr Timothy Yeo, Fr Francis Lee, Fr John Joseph Fenelon, Fr Augustine Joseph, Fr Romeo Yu Chang, Fr Adjusts Aloysius Ong, Fr Richards Ambrose, Fr Frederick Quek, Fr Luke Zhang and all priests in Singapore, whose names I do not know….
Fr Alphonsus Kariuki in Dunellen, NJ, USA
Fr Brennan Ferris of Holy Cross parish in Dover DE
Praying for Fr Greg Morgan, Fr Noel Custodio, Fr Chris Ryan , Fr Tony Alex, Fr Brian Steele, Fr Josh Wicker , Fr John Rizzo, Fr Jan Chrczonowicz to remain strong in their faith and keep being bold and proclaiming the truth
St Francis of Assisi Fr Anthony Girolami Parish Priest
Fr Zaher Assistant Priest
St Marys Castlemaine Fr Wahid
Praying for the Bishop of Sandhurst,, Shane McKinlay and all the priests of the Sandhurst Diocese, both living and dead. Special intentions for St Brendan’s Shepparton Parish Priest Fr Joe Taylor, our Associate Priest (ordained one year) Fr Jackson Saunders, our priest in residence Fr Joseph Kunnackallu, our much loved Parish Priest of St Mary’s Mooroopna Monsignor Peter Jeffrey who celebrates 60 years of priesthood on 27th July 2023 and Fr Peter Taylor of St Mel’s Shepparton Parish.
Also praying for Fr Greg Shaffer Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Visitation Parish Darnestown MD, where I attend when visiting my US based family.
May they feel God’s presence with them always as they minister to their flocks.
Praying for blessings and protection for Fr. Alessandro and especially for Fr Aloysius and for the Scalabrinian priests who served in our parish.
Praying for the Scalabrian priests who served in our parish, Fr Alessandro and esp for Fr Aloysius.
Praying for Fr. Larry Tharp, Fairfield, Oh and Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, Cincinnati, Oh for perseverance to preach and convey only God’s will 🙏.
Fr. John Fischer of Holy Name of Jesus parish in Watertown, SD
Fathers Christopher Tiano, Lee Hellwig and Eric Zuniga
Thank You, O Lord, for all Your holy priests, especially those who have brought me to You and You to me in the Holy Sacraments.
Fr Joseph Romanoski, Fr Michael, Koncik, Fr Gustavo, Fr Ray Carlo,
Fr Stephen Giljum, Fr Jim Gould,
FrJon Dolny, Fr Joseph O’Ketch and countless others.
Bless, protect and renew in each and all of them their original zeal serving in Your vineyard. Lexington, SC
Please pray for my priest, Father Jared Johnson, Father Jake Amundsun, Bishop David Kagan and all the priests and deacons in my diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota
Praying in thanksgiving for our Pastor, Fr. Michael Farmer and Associate Pastor, Fr. Peyton Plessala of St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Auburn, AL
as well as Fr. Gil Pierre, Pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Opelika, AL.
Fr. Valentine, parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Tortugas, NM and Fr. Christopher and Fr. Frances, parish of San Albino Basilica in Mesilla, NM. Thank you for their great dedication to the priesthood and the love they bring to their parishioners and community. Lord embrace them with your love and support.
I am praying for ALL of the Priests in the Scranton Diocese, Scranton, PA.
For Bishop Joseph Nguyen and the priests of the Diocese of Kamloops, BC Canada
Bishop Wall and all our priests of the Diocese of Gallup in New Mexico and Arizona
I’m praying for Father Clement Niggel, our Pastor who was just transferred to Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Bernalillo, NM. Our new Pastor, Father John Kimani and our Parochial Vicar, Father Albert Mutebi Ssekabembe both of Our Lady of Belen, NM. I also pray for all Priests and Seminarians and all those pursuing a vocation in the Priesthood.
For our wonderful priests at St Joseph’s in Croydon. Your dedication, love and support is hugely appreciated. May the love and mercy of Our Lord continue to shine through all you do and sacrifice. May He give you the graces you need to navigate the diverse needs of your parish, family and community. 🙏🙏🙏
For the priests, monks and brothers of Beit Maroun Majdeloun.
May the Lord bless them with the graces they need to carry out their works.
May their prayers and sacrifices be heard. We pray that the order grows and reaches those all in need.🙏
Fr Anthoni Selvaraj ofm and Fr Peter Clifford ofm – St Francis of Assisi, Paddington
Fr Joseph Lu ofm and Fr Jacob Wang – Chinese Catholic Pastoral Community
Fr Harry Chan ofm
Fr John chrysostom ofm – India
Fr Francisco ofm – Singapore
Fr Rafael Silva Galicia – Holy Family, Maroubra
Fr Allan Casquejo – Holy Family, Maroubra
Fr Daney Irudaya Doss – OLA, Pagewood
Fr Joseph Nguyen ofm
Fr Bernie ofm – Mary Immaculate, Waverley
Fr Chris Ryan mgl – St Declan’s
Fr Tony Alex mgl – Our Lady of Fatima
Fr Alan SJ
Fr Ross SJ
Fr Nico SJ
Fr Richard Conlon
I pray for Fr. Frederick Quek, Frs . Luke Zhang and Shaun Lim of Church Holy Trinity. Also, for all priests in the Archdiocese of Singapore.
I am praying for Fr John Echewodo, Fr Chukwudi Chinaka, Fr Paul,
Fr Gerard, Fr Peter Luton, Fr Stanley, Bishop Guido Gallese, Bishop Brian Heenan,
Fr Brian Nichols, Fr Warbrooke, Fr Vince Dwyer and Fr Aedan McGrath and all the priests
that have touched our lives.
Brisbane, Australia.
God bless Fr Joseph Raja – St Ann’s parish Adelaide
Praying for our wonderful and faithful Friars at St Bernadette’s Dundas Valley – Fr Christopher, Fr Reuben, Fr Ben and Br Anthony. May God bless them and keep them close.
For Fr Andrew Goodman
Fr. Josh Waltz, our priest at St. Joseph Parrish Mandan, ND, and all the Priests of Diocese of Bismarck North Dakota and our Bishop, Bishop David Kagen. May God Bless you, thank you for your service and all you do.
Praying for our Holy priests Fr Andrew Chase our PP in Gladstone and Fr Ashwin Acharya. May God bless and keep them. Also praying for our Bishop and all our priests in the Rockhampton Diocese. May God bless them all.
I am praying for Fr. Arnel Recinto, parish priest of our church, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish here in Project 6, Quezon City, Philippines.
I’m also praying for Fr. Jomel Manalo, Fr. Kenneth Masong CRM, Fr. Allan Cabatian OAR, Fr. Angelito Ancla CMF, Fr. Argol Chavez, Fr. Jude Besinga, Fr. Bipin, Fr. Ashlin, Fr. George, Fr. Vhong, Fr. Richard, Fr. Ren, Fr. Rudy, Fr. Tito and other priests who celebrate the Mass with us.
We pray for the perseverance of all priests throughout the world, especially those undergoing trials in their vocation.
We are praying for our parish priest, Fr. Arnel Recinto of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish here in Project 6, Quezon City, Philippines.
We are also praying for
Fr. Jomel Manalo,
Fr. Kenneth Masong CRM,
Fr. Allan Cabatian OAR,
Fr. Angelito Ancla CMF,
Fr. Argol Chavez,
Fr. Jude Besinga,
Fr. Bipin Sebastian,
Fr. Ashlin Andrew,
Fr. George Joseph,
Fr. Vhong Turingan,
Fr. Richard B
Fr. Ren Ligeralde,
Fr. Rudy Manaloto &
Fr. Tito Soquino and other priests who celebrate the Eucharist with us.
We pray for the perseverance of all priests throughout the world.
praying for Fr Clifford Augustine and all the Franciscan friars of St Mary and South East Asia.
Praying for our newly installed priest for St Anne Parish – Fr. Kregg Hochhalter, Fr. Paul Gardner & Fr. Jeff Zwack. Also for our former pastor as he begins a new role as the Spiritual Director for the Diocese, Fr. Wayne Sattler. Finally for ALL priests and Bishops who have entered eternal life…
Praying for Father Matthew Deleon. He is the newly appointed priest in Uvalde, Texas.
Praying for Fr. Ramiro, Fr Olman, and Fr. Kevin of The Most Holy Rosary Church in Antioch, California. Praying for Fr. Altman, Fr. Patrick, Fr. Thi, Fr. Arn, and my uncle priest Fr. Steve de Leon. May God continue to bless them and keep them.
Praying for Fr. Victor Amorose and Fr. Joshua Bertrand, Diocese of St. Petersburg Florida, Pastor and Parochial Vicar of St. John Vianney, St. Pete Beach. May God Bless them always!
Praying for the intentions of Father Benjamin Saliba. Father John Rizzo. Father Christopher Shara. Father Reuben. Father Benedict. Father Peter Joseph. Father McShane. Father John Paul. Father Jack El Kazzi.
Pope Francis, Bishop Edward Loshe, Bishop Emeritus Paul Bradley, Fr John Peter, Fr John Fleckenstien, Fr Emmanuel Mbah, Fr Jack Pfeiffer, Fr Patrick Craig, Bishop Robert Barron, Bishop Strickland, Bishop Earl Boyea, Bishop David Walkowiak, Bishop Donald Hying, Archbishop Allen Vigneron, Auxiliary Bishops Gerard, Arturo, Robert & Donald, Bishop Anthony Poula, Bishop Jay, Fr Steve, Fr Mitch Pacwa, Fr Patrick, Fr Pavone, Fr Jim Kastigar, Fr Joseph Abraham, Fr Arul Lazar, Fr Bob Creagan, Fr Ben Huynk, Fr Bondy Alberto, Fr Jim Morris, Fr Jeffrey Hanley, Fr Max Nightengale, Fr Ken Schmidt, Fr Russell Homic, Fr Richard Altine, Fr Mike Regent, Fr Jose, Fr German, Fr Alphonse, Fr Alan Wakefield, Fr Mike Hack, Fr Dan Hyman, Fr Christopher Ankly, Fr Bill Jacobs, Fr Harry Potter, Fr Dan Doctor, Fr James Adams, Fr James Richardson, Fr Leroy White, Fr Greg Pleiness, Fr Marck Noack, Fr Devasahyman, Msgr. Osborn, Msgr. Martin, Msgr. Hazard, Fr Tom McNally, Fr Francis, Fr Tom, Fr Paul… Fr George, Fr Jim, Fr Don, Fr Rob Fickel, Fr Michael Shea, Fr Frank, Fr Vincent O’Malley, Fr David Rosenberg, Fr Tom, Fr Mike, Fr Tom Florick, Fr Carlos Martin, Fr Richard Heilman, Fr James Altman, Fr William Peckman, Fr David Pinto, Fr Derda, Fr Arthur, Fr Mark, Fr John Hollowell, Fr Don Calloway, Fr Michael
Gaitley, Fr Christopher Alar, Fr Nicolas, Fr Peter, Fr Benny, Fr Albert, Fr Bob Fleckinger, Fr Don Clinginger, Fr Coropi, Fr James Martin, Bishop Walter Hurley, Fr Edward Dwyer, Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Fr Al Jorgenson, Fr Faustinus, Fr Paul Redmond, Fr Andrew Rakowski, Fr Bruno, Fr Fabio Garzon, Fr Emilio Remeris, Fr Jacob Thomas, Fr Ryan Ackermann, Archbishop Cordileone,
Fr Brian Stanley, Fr Francis Marotti, Fr Stanley Wytok, Fr Joseph Xavier, Fr Ralph Staloritis, Fr Rick Diamond, Fr Edmund Martin, Fr Jim Pearl…
Please pray for Father Paul from Dorrigo NSW , Fr Michael, Fr Colin, from Sawtell, and the Carmwlite Fathers from Coffs Harbour.
Fr. Timothy MacDonald, Jackson, MI and all the priests of the Lansing Diocese.
I am praying for
Fr Mike Bennett
Fr Don Sanvido
Fr Bob
Fr Steve M
Fr Paul H
Fr Paul Nicholson
Fr Jeff
Fr Chad Ripperger
Fr David Nix
Fr Mark Goring
Fr Altman
Fr Kevin
Fr Charles
Fr Augustine
Fr Mooney
Fr Michel
Fr Ed Mahoney
Fr Charlie Jordan
Archbishop McDonald
Fr Earl Talbot
Fr. Mark Sullivan
Fr Al McMillan
Fr Roger Formosi
Fr Demarah
Fr Lambertus
Bishop Fabbro and Bishop Crosby
Bishop Bergi and Bishop Strickland
Fr Vincent Kerr
Praying for Fr Jan Bialasiewicz, Parish Priest of Darra-Jindalee, Brisbane, Australia.
Praying for Fr. William Palmer of St. Mary of the Cenacle in New Boston, TX.
From Johannesburg South Africa. Praying for father Vusi newly ordained our parish priest, and Father Richard Stonier currently studying in Rome. Praying for all priests that were involved in the parish of saint Anthony’s
From the Diocese of Pittsburgh praying for Rev. Michael Ruffalo, Rev. James Orr,
Rev. Nicholas Vaskov of the Shrines of Pittsburgh, (, and our
Bishop David Zubik, Rector Father Tom Sparacino and all the seminarians at St. Paul Seminary here in Pittsburgh. Also, our Chaplin from the Little Sisters of the Poor,
Father William Feeney.
May God Bless and Keep You!
I completed the Novena today. I have been praying for my parish priest – Father Satish Joseph – who is the Pastor over 5 parishes in my area in Dayton, Ohio. I will share a copy of the Novena with Father Satish on Sunday. The Novena was very moving. Last night I went to the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in my church of Immaculate Conception to complete the final days of my novena. Thank you. Julie Hansen.