Speakin’ with Deacon is a production of the Parousia Podcast Network, in partnership with Voice of Charity Australia and EWTN Asia-Pacific.

Join Mark Griffin and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers as they discuss strategies that will empower us to ‘Announce the Gospel of the Lord’ daily, through our words and deeds.

In this episode, Deacon Harold provides us with the tools you need to explain and defend the Catholic faith.

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers – 22 Audio Talks Bulk Pack (USB)

This USB device contains 21 Audio Presentations by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers (listed below) along with 11GB of free space for personal use.


1. Go and Make Disciples

2. Family Life

3. The Mass in Sacred Scripture

4. Praying with Confidence

5. Answering God’s Call

6. Apologetics 101

7. Tackling the New Atheism

8. Your Sins Are Forgiven

9. Why Wait

10. Meeting Jesus in the Beauty and Truth of the Catholic Faith

11. 10 Tips to a Divorce-Proof Marriage

12. The Big Deal About the Mass (Youth Talk)

13. The Sword of the Spirit

14. The Truth and Beauty of Marriage

15. Rich in Mercy

16. Why Be Catholic

17. Naked and Not Ashamed

18. Putting on The Armour of God

19. The Pursuit of Happiness

20. Living the Catholic Faith in Difficult Times

21. Come Let Us Adore Him

22. An Apocalyptic Awakening

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