Parousia Podcast
The Parousia Podcast is a new initiative of Parousia aiming to get to know the stories behind some of the regular faces and guests around the Parousia world.
Marek Rudak: US Soldier Finds the Church
After a successful career in the world Joelle Maryn had an encounter with the burning love of Jesus Christ which set her own heart on fire.
Fr Robert Spitzer: Science, The Shroud of Turin and The Resurrection
Dr Scott Hahn joins Charbel Raish to discuss his latest book Hope To Die in which he explores the significance of death and burial from a Catholic view.
Scott Hahn: It Is Right and Just
Dr Scott Hahn joins Charbel Raish to discuss his latest book Hope To Die in which he explores the significance of death and burial from a Catholic view.
Steve Ray – Footprints of God: St Peter
Steve Ray joins Charbel to discuss the fourth movie in his Footprints of God series – Elijah & Elisha: Conscience of the Kingdom
Jacob Imam: From Islam to Catholicism Through Classical Education
After a successful career in the world Joelle Maryn had an encounter with the burning love of Jesus Christ which set her own heart on fire.
Joelle Maryn: The Fire That Saved Her Life
After a successful career in the world Joelle Maryn had an encounter with the burning love of Jesus Christ which set her own heart on fire.
Jason Evert: Forged
Jason Evert joins Charbel Raish to discuss the new book which he co-authored with Matt Fradd – Forged: 33 Days Toward Freedom.
Steve Ray – The Footprints of God: Jesus
Steve Ray joins Charbel to discuss the fourth movie in his Footprints of God series – Elijah & Elisha: Conscience of the Kingdom
The Liturgy Guys: Advent
Jesse Weiler and Dr Denis McNamara from The Liturgy Guys discuss Advent and its significance in the context of the broader liturgical year.
Fr Robert Spitzer: Near Death Experiences
In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Fr Spitzer speaks about how the soul can be proven to exist by citing many near-death experiences.
Fr Thomas Sofatzis, FSSP: Sacred Music, Beauty and The Priesthood
Fr Thomas Sofatzis discusses the sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ, the importance of beauty in the Church’s liturgy, architecture and music.
Kate Frantz: My Catholic Keepsake
In this episode, Charbel is joined by Kate Frantz, founder of Thy Olive Tree, to discuss her new book My Catholic Keepsake.