Parousia Fundraising Dinner
Above: Some of the presenters at the Parousia Fundraiser Dinner
Wow! What a month it has been and what a great night we had at the first Parousia fundraiser dinner in three years! Our last fundraiser dinner was 2019 at the Epping Club. This year, we had our dinner at the ‘Waterview’ in Sydney Olympic Park. It was a great venue and it was wonderful to have a full room! Over 300 people turned up on the night and it was fantastic to see so many people coming together again after such a long time.
Above: Over 300 people filled the room for the Parousia Fundraiser Dinner
We welcomed Ruben Quezada, from California, as our keynote speaker. Ruben was the man who first gave me the idea of starting Parousia over 17 years ago! He spoke on the topic of Religious Freedom and really got the audience charged at the end with the words “Viva Cristo Rey” and the response from over 300 people chanting “Que Viva!”. Our MC on the night was our very own Matthew-Hermann Tague, who did a great job. We also heard from Dr Robert Haddad, who shared the importance of Apologetics and the Parousia Academy.
Above: Alejandro is the artist of ‘Christ the King’ & Kevin Bailey led the auction
On the night, Robert also launched his new book “Always Be Prepared“. This is a brand new apologetics curriculum that Robert has developed while preparing his doctoral thesis. It is designed to help teachers, home-schoolers and catechists to teach apologetics. Visit our online store to learn more about this new release. Another highlight was the live drawing of ‘Christ the King’ by Alejandro. His masterpiece, drawn before our very eyes, fetched an amazing sum of $9,500 at our auction. Another nice surprise for those on the night was the instant print of the shirts with that same design. Tim Sassin launched ‘Mantle and Cloak‘ a new apostolate that aims to evangelise through clothing. He has partnered with Parousia to make these and they are available now in our store. We are truly grateful for a blessed night that was long overdue!
Above: Tim Sassin launched Mantle & Cloak. Holding up the Viva Cristo Rey shirt
For Greater Glory Tour with Ruben Quezada
Ruben went on to give a speaking tour across Sydney to various groups. The very next public event after the dinner was a movie screening of the film ‘For Greater Glory‘, shown at Event Cinemas in Castle Hill. It was a special night with a sold out cinema. We celebrate ten years this month since the release of the film and a highlight on the night was the Q&A with Ruben inside the cinema. It was a great night!
Above: Ruben doing the Q&A after the screening in the cinema
Another feature of the tour was the retreat for women, with another good turnout. These women came to spend time in reflection and prayer with Ruben. There were two talks, food, fellowship, prayers and Holy Mass in the chapel with Fr John Flader. Those who attended commented how rejuvenated they were on the day and how great it was to gather again!
Above: Fr John Flader celebrated the Mass for the Womens Retreat.
The majority of the tour then focused on parish talks. The first parish talk was at St Joseph’s Maronite Catholic Church in Croydon. Ruben gave a talk on “What’s the big deal about Mary”? There was a good turn out on the night, with many young adults coming to learn about the importance of the Blessed Mother. The following parish was another Maronite Church, this time St Charbel’s Monastery in Punchbowl, for the Guardians group. Young adults turned up to this talk, which was on “Purgatory: Get me out of here!” Ruben had lots of slides to show and gave a very informative presentation on the topic.
Above: Ruben giving a talk at Guardians. Also caught up with Dr Robert Haddad
On Thursday Ruben spoke with the students at Redfield College during the day and then at Our Lady of the Rosary parish in St Marys, Western Sydney. On Friday, his final day, Ruben spoke at the Parramatta Professionals Forum during the day and then gave his key talk of the tour, on the Mexican Persecution, at St Michael’s Church in Belfield. This was a very graphic talk with slides to show. Overall, a great turn out and amazing response to our first international tour in two and a half years. Please pray for Ruben and his work in promoting Religious Freedom.
Above: Fr Flader & Ruben exchange books. Fr Benton gives a blessing. St Michael’s Belfield was the final talk before being dropped off at the airport the next day
Parousia Podcast
Another big month with the Parousia Podcast. This month we released another ‘Speakin’ with Deacon’ podcast with Deacon Harold and Mark Griffin on Apologetics 101. Also, a ‘School of Sheen’ episode with Allan Smith and Matthew-Hermann Tague on Calvary and the Mass. Finally, we released two podcast interviews with Ruben Quezada. The first was a short session via zoom before he arrived and the second was an in-depth version – in person – while he was here on tour. It was such an eye opening discussion on the Cristiada War. All our podcasts are available both on YouTube and via popular podcasting platforms. Please share them far and wide!
Announcing Adoremus Bulletin in AUS/NZ!
This month we announced the launch of our partnership with ‘Adoremus Bulletin‘! We have been working hard behind the scenes with Chris Carstens, the editor, to make this happen. Adoremus Bulletin was founded in 1995 by Fr Joseph Fessio, founder of Ignatius Press; Fr Jerry Pokorsky, co-founder of ‘Credo‘, a society of priests committed to promoting a faithful translation of the liturgy; and writer, editor, Helen Hull Hitchcock, founder of ‘Women of Faith and Family‘. This is a bi-monthly newspaper bulletin promoting the sacred liturgy. We are offering free subscription for the remainder of 2022, so please visit to learn more!
Padre Pro (DVD Movie)
** Spanish with English Subtitles **
Based on the admirable life of Miguel Agustin Pro; a man whose great mission led him to pass on his faith to his fellow Mexican Christians during the times of the Revolution, Christian war and religious persecutions. He dedicated himself to imitate Christ’s example in spite of his bad health, creating organizations to help homeless people during the war among many other things, managing to hide from the government until he was caught and shot. With his life he provided an example that helped the Catholic Faith prosper during the Mexican persecution and became a Martyr for Christ.
Saints & Heroes Character Virtue Cards
The Saints & Heroes Character Virtue Cards are a great way to help students learn about the saints as well as provide them with a practical reminder of how to practise and cultivate important character virtues and good habits every day. With 48 cards in the pack, they can be used separately or integrated as a learning tool to help develop saintly virtues.
- A caricature and brief story of an inspiring saint
- A character virtue and how the saint lived it
- Saint facts and a short prayer
- Three simple ways to practise each character strength/virtue.
- Teaching ideas on how to use the cards in class or at home
Truth: God’s Word Has Power
– Noelle Garcia (CD)
Truth in our time has become relativized, dependent on one’s own subjective feelings. But throughout all of history, God’s truth has remained constant and unchanged. In this talk, Noelle Garcia urges us to follow our faith and to live our lives according to the truth. God’s word has power and because of this, we can live just, truthful, and holy lives.
My Angel Will Go Before You
– Georges Huber (Paperback)
Do angels exist? Are they not just a pious fiction invented to please children like Santa Claus? In this era of high technology does it make sense to seek the help of the guardian angels? This book on angels…is not a theoretical treatise; it answers questions people are asking and does so in a very practical way.
My Angel Will Go Before You by Georges Huber, with an impressive introduction by the late Cardinal Charles Journet, addresses the ordinary person.It is not a theological treatise; it answers questions people are asking and does so in a very practical way, using arguments from authority, the experience of recent Popes, the teaching of Vatican II, the evidence of the Bible and the Liturgy, and the writings of saints and masters of the spiritual life. – L’Osservatore Romano
The Importance of Fathers for their Daughters
– Fr John Flader (Parousia On Demand)
The role of fathers in the life of their daughters is crucial, yet few fathers are of aware of how important they are.
In this talk, Fr John Flader, who has assisted many hundreds of fathers over the years, gives practical advice to help fathers raise balanced, self-confident, faith-filled daughters.
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