I AM : 30 Day Coaching Challenge

Above: Have you signed up for the 30 day challenge with Chris Stefanick?


Welcome to July! We have launched the first campaign for the exciting new program created by Chris Stefanick from Real Life Catholic. This 30 day online coaching program is based on his book also called I AM : Rewrite your name-Reroute your life. A very uplifting program reminding us of our true identity as members of God’s royal family and how he love us. Chris uses bible quotes to show who you are as a child of God. This program has helped so many people though depression and negative thoughts. Sign up today!


Virtual Conferences

Above: Charbel & Christine Raish & Kimberly Hahn were among the speakers

It has been another busy month for virtual conferences. Last month we co-hosted our first ever homeschooling conference. With the globe all forced to home school during the coronavirus pandemic we thought it was a good idea to assist parents in this time. We had so many enquiries about how to help with teaching at home. A big thanks to the collaborators; Paola from Emmanuel Books and Maureen from Homeschool connections, as well as Smart Catholics. Over 60 speakers gave talks and over 9000 people registered from all over the world. It was such a vibrant experience that had so much engagement among families. One of the highlights was the keynote speaker Kimberley Hahn who gave a live talk for an hour answering questions from the registrants. My wife Christine and I were also invited to speak on a topic we called “How to Love your spouse the way they want to be loved”. We were very pleased to hear the feedback from people and how it has helped them, so praise God for that. I encourage you to check out the recordings from this conference and to purchase access to them from the website catholichomeschoolconference.com.

Above: The graphic for the Immortal Combat Men’s Conference


Another conference this month that took place was the ‘Immortal Combat’ conference for men. It was organised by Smart Catholics and Fr Dwight Longnecker the author of the book Immortal Combat was the host. Over 22 men gave talks from Canada, USA and Australia. Our very own Kevin Bailey, Matthew Tague and myself took part. Kevin gave a great talk on St Joseph – the Essence of Fatherhood. Matthew gave a talk on St Benedict For Modern Man and I gave a talk called ‘The Catholic Church – God’s True Salvation Army. It was a privilege to be a part of this powerful event. Great to see so many men get involved and to now have this community that can encourage each other in the faith. Please pray for these men. If you would like to purchase access to this conference visit www.smartcatholics.com.

Above: L – R. Kevin Bailey, Charbel Raish and Matthew-Hermann Tague


Parousia Podcasts


Wow! Another very busy month with podcasts! We have released a heap of episodes in both live and pre-record formats. This month, with the aid of technology, we have been able to feature some group discussions in addition to the one-on-one interviews. These include the Catholic Homeschooling podcast as well as the engaging show with the liturgy guys. Mark Griffin, Phillip Brooks, Matthew-Hermann Tague and I were all involved. Another highlight for me personally was to connect with Immaculee Illibagiza from Rwanda who shared her moving story of forgiveness. Salwa Elias also opened up this month on a topic that very rarely gets talked about, miscarriages. We also feature Cy Kellet and Matt Ingold. All these podcasts are now on our website. So please check them out and subscribe to both YouTube and the podcast platforms.

Above: Guests we’ve interviewed this month for the Parousia Podcast

Confession with Padre Pio – Fr John Iacono

Confession with Padre Pio – Fr John Iacono

In this episode, Charbel sits down with Fr John Iacono a priest of the Archdiocese of Sydney. Fr John talks about his family, migrating to Australia from Italy and his missionary work in the Philippines. He also shares his story of returning to Italy for study where...

Mary: Feminine Genius – Fr Leo Patalinghug

Mary: Feminine Genius – Fr Leo Patalinghug

In this audio only Parousia Podcast, Fr Leo teaches that women are 'God's Geniuses', but for them to understand their own genius, they need to understand how their femininity relates to masculinity. https://youtu.be/s_xKJMuuAX8  

When Jesus Speaks – Susan Joy Bellavance

When Jesus Speaks – Susan Joy Bellavance

In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel sits down with Susan Joy Bellavance, author of the book "When Jesus Speaks". Susan discusses her faith filled inspirations for writing, other books she has written and shares some profound messages of faith for our...

Above: The three latest episodes of the Parousia Podcast


Support Your Priest Sunday

It is on again! Support Your Priest Sunday! Last year we launched this concept about praying for our priests. It was a very popular campaign that had hundreds of people sign up for the 9-day novena to St John Vianney, the patron of parish priests. I encourage you all to sign up to this free campaign and join together to pray for our priests. These days, our priests are getting so much negative media and people have been quick to tar all priests with the same brush. These men have given their lives to the Church in a radical way dedicating themselves completely to the body of Christ. Yes, we know of many mistakes that have been made in the past by our leaders, but that is only 2% of all clergy. This is never acceptable, but what about the 98% of men living out authentic priesthood? We cannot take for granted this special vocation that brings us the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist. Let’s do something special for our priests this year by showing our support and letting them know that we appreciate them. Go to our website and sign up for the Support Your Priest Sunday campaign. Lets pray and show our support.


Parousia Academy Filming Underway

You may have heard about an exciting new initiative we are working towards. Due to the success of the Parousia Study Groups over the last few years, participants have communicated a desire for a more formal approach to Catholic adult catechesis . There is a real hunger to learn the faith and a need for Catholic Adult Faith Formation.

Above: Day one of filming with the Parousia Academy Team

Over the years Parousia have organised international speakers to tour Australia and many of them are professors at university or qualified teachers with a masters or PHD in theology. They come and go giving talks at parishes and schools, which has been great. The one area we miss out on is using their expertise to teach adult students who are hungry to deepen their understanding of the faith and also, to train the next generation of speakers and teachers too! You will hear more about this as we continue to collaborate with our Australian and American experts in their respective fields. This month we began filming the with Robert Haddad. He will be presenting the course entitled ‘Introduction to Apologetics’. Dr Paul Morrissey has also been on-set recording his course on Christology. The footage looks great and the content is world class. We launch in 2021. Watch this space!


We have recently begun to stock 1000 piece puzzles of Catholic images, designed and produced by a local Sydney parishioner, Tony Abdo, who has done a great job in getting this off the ground. He is raising funds for the missionaries of the poor and has been able to supply us with these beautiful images. A 1000 piece puzzle is a challenge but the completion of these beautiful sacred images is so worthwhile. We have completed two so far as a family. The first image was the puzzle of St Charbel for my namesake and his feast this month and the second is the image of the Madonna and Child which we completed during the 33-day consecration to Mary. It was beautiful to consecrate ourselves in front of this image. These are not just puzzles to fill in time but can be a spiritual and prayerful experience. You also gain a large image for the home, which you may wish to frame.

The Spiritual Rosary Pilgrimage

As you have noticed, there have been so many great virtual conferences recently. One to highlight is the Australian produced Pentecost Pilgrimage, which is not just a weekend conference, but a journey through a season. That pilgrimage lasted 6 weeks and 9000 people from 90 countries participated. The founder, Martin Brennan, reached out to Parousia about running this and future online pilgrimages. As a result, we are now preparing to lead the next virtual pilgrimage. It is called ‘The Spiritual Rosary Pilgrimage‘. It is a 4 week journey starting on Our Lady’s birthday, on the 8th September, and finishing on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, on the 7th October. We have lined up 20 speakers, each sharing a meditation on one mystery. 4 keynote speakers will also share talks on the importance of the rosary. Register for this free pilgrimage at www.parousiamedia.com. Please keep us in your prayers. 

God Bless you,
Charbel Raish – Director

*Featured New Release CD* Transgenderism: A Surgeon’s Perspective by Dr Patrick Lappert

Patrick W. Lappert, M.D., a deacon and plastic surgeon, brilliantly and compassionately enters the important and challenging conversation about transgenderism and persons who identify as transgender. Speaking from the perspectives of biology, medicine, psychology, theology, and more, Dr. Lappert teaches how questions of human identity, sexuality, woundedness, and the desire for happiness must all be addressed and answered by the truth of what it means to be a human person, made in the image and likeness of God.

Women Made New – Crystalina Evert – EWTN Original Documentary (2 DVD Set)

A must-see miniseries for every Catholic wife and mother. Best-selling author, Crystalina Evert, helps women find their true essence in our fundamental Catholic values. Together with her special guests, she answers the important questions women have about love and marriage, and living a feminine life worthy of God’s saving grace. Included in this EWTN Home Video:

  • You Are Not Alone – Lisa Cotter & Cameron Fradd
  • Broken Foundation – Lisa Brenninkmeyer
  • Essence of a Catholic Wife – Kimberly Hahn
  • Open to Life – Tiffany Rivers & Marisa de Lecce
  • Self Care – Kimberly Hahn & Claire Dwyer

2 discs / 2.5 hrs.

Ephesians: Discover Your Inheritance – Jeff Cavins & Tomas Smith – Ascension Press (Starter Pack)

This pack is what every leader needs to begin Ephesians: Discover Your Inheritance. It includes: 4 DVD Set (8, 30-minute videos presented by Jeff Cavins) & Workbook. This Pack also comes with one group study credit, which can be used to join or lead an online study group. Each participant and small-group facilitator should have a workbook, which includes session overviews, questions and responses, and talk notes. The workbook is used during each step of the program: The session overviews and questions are needed for Home Preparation and Small-Group Discussion. The talk notes are needed during the Video Presentations. The responses are needed for the Review of Responses.

Ignatius Bible (RSV), 2nd Edition Large Print – Leather Leather Bound

The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is acclaimed by many as the clearest, most accurate and most beautiful modern translation of the Bible. This newly designed and typeset 2nd edition of the popular Ignatius RSV Catholic Bible is a contemporary English translation that revises archaic language of the first edition, but avoids dumbing-down the text. It retains the beauty of the RSV language that makes the Ignatius Bible such a joy to read. Now the only contemporary Catholic Bible translation in standard English is even more beautiful in word and design, and much easier to read with the large print! The Large Print Edition is the perfect option for devotional reading for those who prefer larger print, have impaired vision, or are reading from a lectern. It features large, clear type and additional materials of interest to all readers.

*Featured Parousia on Demand* Why Be Catholic – Tim Staples

In this presentation, Tim explains how, as a Protestant, he used his extensive biblical knowledge to attack the Catholic Church. However, when challenged on his beliefs by a fellow marine, a two year search for truth led him straight to Catholicism.

He explains that now, in his role as Director of Apologetics and Evangelisation at Catholic Answers, he spends his life sharing the joy that he has found in the Catholic Church to help others embrace the beauty and richness of Catholicism.

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