In this episode, Parousia and Against the Grain Podcast join forces to host the founder of the Chastity Project, Jason Evert. They discuss what the word chastity means and why it is misunderstood. They also respond to many of the objections Jason has received to his message from many parents and lobby groups, who were not happy with his visit to Australia.
Raising Pure Teens
~ Jason Evert/Chris Stefanick | Chastity Project (Paperback)
Have a hard time connecting with your teenager about chastity? With the “pornification” of everything from adolescent fashions to primetime television commercials, young people need more guidance today than perhaps ever before.
As your children’s primary educators, it’s your right and duty to make sure your children are forearmed and forewarned when it comes to dealing with sexual temptations in a Catholic way and resisting the secular world’s false vision of love.
In Raising Pure Teens, noted chastity speakers Jason Evert and Chris Stefanick incorporate the Church’s wisdom with 10 proven strategies for talking with teens about chastity. They offer a perfect blend of humor and sobriety, real-life stories and effective metaphors, cutting-edge science and undeniable logic.
Once you read Raising Pure Teens, you’ll realize you’re not alone in bringing these beautiful truths to your teens—and you won’t be alone as you help them implement these teachings in their own lives.
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