Tuesday 19 April at 2000 (8:00 pm) Australian Eastern Standard Time via Zoom


“Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you” – 1 Peter 3:15

“Defend the Faith LIVE!”: Become a Student of Catholic Apologetics!

“I’m really excited for all those who will experience ‘Defend the Faith LIVE!’ Dr. Robert Haddad has been a teacher, mentor, and friend to me for over 20 years and I’m so pleased that Parousia is in a position to make Robert’s excellent instruction available to Catholics all over the world through this unique instructional series!”
– Charbel Raish, Founder and Director of Parousia

“Defend the Faith!” is more than just another book on Catholic apologetics.

Born from Dr. Robert Haddad’s personal encounters with numerous non-Catholics over 30 years, Defend the Faith! answers 165 objections against the Catholic Faith in 50 comprehensive and well-set out chapters.

Robert not only continues to answer the usual questions from Protestant Christians but for the first time responds to the rising challenges of Islam and atheism.

With over 1,500 references to Scripture, the Church Fathers, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Defend the Faith! is ideal for anyone seeking a solid biblical and historic defense of Catholicism.

“Defend the Faith LIVE” is a monthly interview between Matthew-Hermann Tague and Dr. Robert Haddad!

This interview will take the form of a tutorial, where Dr. Robert Haddad will instruct Matthew-Hermann Tague in the art of Catholic Apologetics, and you too are invited to become a student!

The LIVE participants will have the opportunity to ask questions after each recording!

This will be a unique experience with one of the world’s best Catholic Apologists and an absolute must for anyone who desires to “Defend the Faith!”

To obtain a copy of “Defend the Faith” or any of Robert’s great titles, go to the Parousia Online Store by clicking HERE

“Defend the Faith! is a prime example of some of the exciting things happening in Catholic apologetics in Australia. There are few introductory books that cover so many topics so thoroughly and persuasively, based strongly on Scripture, along with Church Fathers and formal Church documents. It is a must for those who wish to lay a solid foundation for defending their Catholic Faith. I could not recommend a better book to those beginning their adventure in apologetics.”
– Fr Peter Joseph STD, from the Foreword.

“Dr. Robert Haddad has put together a very useful handbook for studying and teaching the Catholic Faith. Solidly grounded in biblical, patristic, and magisterial sources, this thorough compendium of Catholic Apologetics and Doctrine will enable readers of all ages to understand and defend their faith with clarity,  confidence, gentleness, and reverence (1 Peter 3:15). Clearly written and well organized, this book will prove to be an invaluable resource for clergy and laity alike, for many years to come. Highly recommended!”
– Dr. Scott Hahn

“As Director of Apologetics at Catholic Answers, I strongly recommend this great work put together by Dr. Robert Haddad. He has made it so accessible to find the answers to those common questions we get as Catholics from people of all different religious persuasions. Whether you are an expert in the faith or just starting out, this book will surely help you in getting to know your faith and learning how to defend it!”
– Tim Staples

“Want a solid, one-source reference to common questions asked about the Catholic Faith? Well, now it is all packed into one book. Defend the Faith! is truly a solid resource for anyone who wants all the answers in the palm of their hand. I highly recommend the use of this book by Dr Robert Haddad to all who want to consider themselves as defenders of the faith.”
– Stephen K. Ray


Dr. Robert M. Haddad holds qualifications in law, theology, philosophy, and religious education, including a MA (Theo.), M.R.Ed., M. Phil., and a Ph.D.

For his Ph.D. Robert studied the New Apologetics.

Dr. Robert Haddad has also authored 11 books including:

  • 1001 Reasons Why It’s Great to be Catholic
  • Defend the Faith!
  • Lord of History Series (2 volumes)
  • The Apostles Creed
  • Law and Life
  • The Family and Human Life
  • Answering the Anti-Catholic Challenge
  • The Case for Christianity – St Justin Martyr’s Arguments for Religious Liberty and Judicial Justice.

Since 1990, Robert has worked at St Charbel’s College, the University of Sydney Catholic Chaplaincy, the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, the University of Notre Dame Australia, Center for Thomistic Studies, and Lumen Verum Apologetics.

Currently, Dr. Robert Haddad is the Manager of Network Catholic Identity for Sydney Catholic Schools in the Arch-Diocese of Sydney.

In 2014 Dr. Robert Haddad was awarded an Australia Day award for his contribution to education, and in 2020 Robert was awarded the Dempsey Medal from the Archbishop of Sydney for his contribution to evangelisation.

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