This article first appeared at: Some of the greatest gifts God has given to the Church for evangelism are the gifts of miracles. As a Pentecostal before I became Catholic, I believed God still performs miracles, but I never saw anything close...
Speakin’ With Deacon – Episode 3 – The Mass in Sacred Scripture
Speakin’ with Deacon is a production of the Parousia Podcast Network, in partnership with Voice of Charity Australia and EWTN Asia-Pacific. Join Mark Griffin and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers as they discuss strategies that will empower us to ‘Announce the Gospel of the...
The Catholic Mass Is Profoundly Biblical
This article first appeared at: catholic.comAre Catholics Bible Christians? A Catholic who ponders this question may think, “Well, I know that Protestants call themselves Bible Christians, and Catholics don’t really use that terminology; so I guess I would...
Parousia Podcast – Conversion of St Paul – Steve Ray
Charbel Raish speaks with Steve Ray about the Conversion of St Paul.
Conversion of St. Paul
This article first appeared at: Catholic News AgencyThe great apostle was a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin. He surpassed all his peers in zeal for the Jewish law and their traditions, which he thought to be the cause of God, and became one of the most...
The Power of Jesus’ Name
This article first appeared at: When I converted from Evangelical Protestantism to Catholicism, I made a lot of theological changes in my life. I expected this, but I didn’t expect that I would be making a lot of sociological changes, too. Every group has...
Why We Read the Genealogy of Jesus at Christmas Eve
The Fourth Sunday of Advent marks a switch in focus from John the Baptist (on the previous two Sundays) to the events immediately leading up to the birth of Christ.
Blessed Are You Among Women: The Fourth Sunday of Advent
The Fourth Sunday of Advent marks a switch in focus from John the Baptist (on the previous two Sundays) to the events immediately leading up to the birth of Christ.
Living the Faith at Home
Two words about Mary from the Bible describe most of our lives in December: “in haste.”
We run in haste to the mall, post office, grocery store. In haste, we rush to the office parties and pageants. We pack the bags, pack the car or race to get the house clean and ready. There are only 24 days left to fit everything in, so all must be done with haste. While the month of December has moments of joy, for many, words like “stressed” and “overwhelmed” more adequately describe the norm.
But if there was ever a woman who had an excuse for feeling overwhelmed and needing to be “in haste” in the days leading up to Christ’s birth, it would be Mary.