Penni WarnerPenni Warner has been married to her husband, Matt, for 28 years, and they have four wonderful children. Growing up in the Baptist denomination, both Penni and her husband converted to the Catholic Faith in the year 2000.Penni and her husband...
Shawna Arnold
Shawna ArnoldFor over 10 years Shawna Arnold has been sharing her story of abuse, abortion, and addiction. Where many today are in need of hope and healing her story of God’s Grace and Mercy continues to touch numerous hearts. Shawna Arnold For over 10...
Bill Snyder
Bill SnyderBill is the Founder of Patchwork Heart Ministry, a non-profit [501(c)3] Catholic Youth, and Young Adult ministry. He inspires, engages and challenges young people to live their faith boldly by example and through storytelling and media initiatives....
Fr Andrew Grace
Fr Andrew Grace Fr Andrew Grace is Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Parish, Griffith, in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. Fr Andrew Grace
Fr Edward Looney
Fr Edward LooneyFr. Edward Looney was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Green Bay June 6, 2015, and currently serves as Pastor of St. Francis and St. Mary Parish, Brussels and St. Peter/St. Hubert Parish, Lincoln/Rosiere. He is the author of A Rosary Litany....
Joelle Maryn
Joelle MarynJoelle Maryn is an award-winning Actress, Speaker, and TV Host who has been featured on various TV shows including "Life On The Rock" on EWTN. Her message of God's healing love has radiated hope and purpose in life to many around the world. ...
Alessandro DiSanto
Alessandro DiSantoAlessandro is one of the Co-Founders and Head of Growth at Hallow. About Alessandro DiSanto Raised in a large Italian-American family, Alessandro graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in finance. Alessandro began a...
Christopher Check
Christopher Check Christopher Check is president of Catholic Answers, the largest lay-run apologetics and evangelization organization in the English-speaking world. He holds a degree in English Literature from Rice University. About Christopher...
Allan Smith
Allan Smith Al Smith is a Radio Host, Writer, Retreat Director, Archbishop Sheen Expert, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Man of Trade and Business Owner. Allan Smith Al Smith is a husband, father, grandfather, a man of trade, and a business owner....