Today, I thought it would be good to focus on the 10 commandments just for a moment, and see how this relates to us as Catholics in the modern world.
The Narrow Gate Series: Are We Free? | Charbel Raish
It’s funny, isn’t it, that our society gets busier by the day, but at the same time new technologies are being created to make our life easier.
The Narrow Gate Series: Words Are Important | Ian Smith
Have you heard it said,“Preach the Gospel at all times; and, if necessary, use words”? It’s a good reminder, but words shouldn’t be undervalued.
The Narrow Gate Series: What is the Narrow Gate? | Charbel Raish
In the Narrow Gate series, our very own staff will be writing for you. We want to invite you into our thinking and give you an understanding of who we are.
What the Loaves and Fishes Mean for Us Today
The miracle of the loaves and fishes holds an important lesson for how we are to act today. Learn more from Jeff Cavins about the meaning of the loaves and fishes.
Fr. Leo Patalinghug: Put Our Trust in God
What keeps us from putting our trust in God? Fr. Leo’s sermon deals with this and more!
It’s Not Good for Man to Be Alone
In the Creation story, God says that many things are good, but He explicitly states it’s not good for man to be alone. Read more from Fr. Larry Richards.
Dealing With Sin: It Starts with You
Once we’ve shaken off our complacency and understood the depth of sin in our lives, how do we go about dealing with sin? Learn more from Fr. Larry Richards.
Hope in God: A Meditation from Fr. John Flader
Fr. John Flader is an Opus Dei priest and Catholic author who has been in Australia since the 1960s. Learn more about Fr. Flader and his latest meditation about our hope in God.