Salwa Elias
What is “Freedom”?

What is “Freedom”?

After watching the movie “Sound of Freedom” I was motivated into writing my reaction, or “response” for use of a better word. Apart from the trauma that was triggered in me, no tears were shed, only harsh, inexplicable emotions that God alone would be able to comfort....

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Praying Through Song

Praying Through Song

What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?

It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”

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The Narrow Gate: God in the Midst of Grief

The Narrow Gate: God in the Midst of Grief

Over the past weeks, these words that Jesus spoke in His Beatitudes have resounded ever so clearly in my heart and in my mind - “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.”I know I’m not the only one who has prayed, wept, and felt the anguish,...

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