This article first appeared at: So what is the difference between a heretic and a schismatic? St. Optatus, another of the great African Christian writers, wrote a surprisingly polite argument against a Donatist named Parmenian, in which he makes the...
Hospitals without Hospitality?: the State of Medicine in a Post-Christian World
This article first appeared at: stpaulcenter.comWe live in a strange world today. Some people are beginning to call it a post-Christian world, in spite of the fact that Catholics are more numerous than any other single group on earth. But really it’s the intellectual...
The Bible in the Liturgy and the Liturgy in the Bible
This article first appeared at: stpaulcenter.comYou’re in church, and you’ve just heard a reading from the Old Testament and a reading from one of the letters in the New Testament. They must be very important, because there’s a special place for reading them at the...
The Psalms: Music for Our Hearts
This article first appeared at: Turn off the television. Turn off the radio. Turn off the computer. Go to the quietest room in the house. Shut the door. Sit down and close your eyes. You can still hear it, can’t you? The irritating car...
There Would Be No Scriptures Without the Church
What’s the truth Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year?
It’s the truth that in Jesus God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”
We Need to be Shaken Up by the Stations of the Cross
This article first appeared at: way of the Cross is the inevitable way of a Christian’s heart. Indeed, it is almost impossible to imagine the Church without the devotion that goes by that name. It goes by other names, too: “The...