The first priest I ever knew was Fr John Scarborough. He had already left deep impressions prior to this meeting. At this time he was on the verge of retirement and, though a towering figure, at least to me, he was always ready with a warm laugh, forever smiling, and the truest of gentle men.
The Narrow Gate: Once a Pilgrim, Always a Pilgrim
Recently I had occasion to meet some folks with whom I had travelled to the Holy Land on pilgrimage. Going on pilgrimage is one of life’s great enrichers.
The Narrow Gate: Letting Go | Ian Smith
Walking the extra mile, turning the other cheek, and making our virtue more than skin deep are all clauses of the New Covenant.
The Narrow Gate: Am I a Follower of Jesus, or just a Fan?
How would you respond to, “Are you a Catholic?” Would you answer with what you consume, or would you answer from an intimate relationship with God?
The Narrow Gate: Consecrate Our Nation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
While the election of the Morrison government may feel like a reprieve, the task ahead is the same as it would have been in the event of an ALP victory.
The Narrow Gate: Just Waiting to be Asked
For at least the past 50 years a rising secular culture in which the Church is meant to be a leaven has had the better of efforts to evangelise.
The Narrow Gate: Easter Brings Hope
Easter brings Hope. When Jesus met the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Cleopas says to the Risen Lord, “we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.”
The Narrow Gate: Supporting Our Priests
We have entered the back half of Lent and, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for Easter. Is there anything better than attending the Easter Vigil after a hard-fought Lent? It makes me wonder how our priests are doing. It’s an exciting time of the year for them...
The Narrow Gate: Keeping Faith Through Trial | Ian Smith
It’s hard being Catholic today – chaotic liturgy, unsympathetic family members, clergy scandals, lukewarm laity, and the open culture of death.