Join the Largest Gathering of TOB Enthusiasts!
Last year, more than 77,000 men and women from 160 countries registered for the inaugural TOBVC, making it the largest Catholic Conference in 2020!
Hosted by Theology of the Body Institute, the TOB Virtual Conference April 30-May 2 will feature dozens of prominent speakers and artists — showing how Theology of the Body applies to everyday life, how it will transform your prayer life, how it can bring healing of the deepest wounds in yourself and with others, and how it will bring your Catholic faith alive in new and brilliant ways.
Jesus’ first words in the Gospel of John are: “What are you looking for?” We invite you to take this weekend to unite with tens of thousands of men and women around the world who are looking for the joy and fulfillment that Christ holds out for each of us. Invite your family and friends and log in at any time during the weekend to start your conference!
At noon EDT April 30, the free conference will open and attendees will have access to all of the presentations, which are pre-recorded so you can choose the order and pace. The free conference will close at midnight EDT May 2. Scroll down to learn more about the Premium Pass which offers live interaction over the weekend and extended access.
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