November 14 – 15

An amazing weekend with some of today’s most powerful and inspirational Catholic speakers and much more…

Three Conferences Bundled into ONE Powerful Weekend

In any normal year, World Ablaze hosts multiple conferences in different cities throughout the year. In fact, this year we still had four conferences left on the calendar. Having to contend with the current situation with the Corona Virus, our apostolate had to rethink how we could still feed our patrons outside of our normal live events.

After much thought, hard work and the coming together of some talented and Holy Spirit-filled speakers, we are PUMPED to offer you the “1249” Virtual Catholic Summit!

The founding Gospel passage of World Ablaze as an organization is Luke 12:49 where our Lord tells us “I came to set the earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing!” Taking that to heart, this conference is intended to do just that…SET YOU ABLAZE!

How you ask? By hosting a virtual conference consisting of a men’s, women’s and spiritual warfare focus to ensure all who attend are spiritually fed, inspired, encouraged and of course SET ABLAZE!

And if that wasn’t enough, it’s FREE! So what are you waiting for? Register now and let’s set this whole world on fire for Christ!

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